The perfect at-home restorative pose

A lot of the time we think restorative yoga is something that we need to do in a quiet, candlelit studio with a bunch of special and expensive props.

A few things here- one, we can do restorative and supportive movements whenever we need them. We don’t need to wait til we’re feeling particularly zen or tucked away from our family in some beautiful studio.

Nope, this kind of practice is available and powerful regardless of where you are or how you’re feeling.

Secondly, you’ve probably got all the things you need to make yourself comfy in your own home. Some blankets, pillows, a chair, a wall…some comfy pants and you’re good to go!

What we really need for our restorative practice, is a willingness to let go and to slooooow down. And that right there is the hard part! And no amount of fancy props is gonna help with that.

So here are 4 variations of one of my favorite restorative poses, Legs up the wall. This is a great pose that helps:

  • stimulate your para-sympathetic nervous system (meaning bringing you into a more calm state both physically and emotionally)

  • promotes better circulation

  • releases tension in the legs, hips and pelvic floor

If you ask me, these benefits are particularly helpful for pregnant people and mothers. We could all use some help grounding and relaxing. And besides the calming nature of these poses, they will also encourage healing and restoration of your tissues and muscles.

Try these 4 Delicious Restorative Poses

Give each movement a try for about 3-5 minutes each or choose one to enjoy for as long as feels comfortable for you. The one leg variation is great for pregnant people who don’t feel comfortable lying flat on their back.

So take a moment to gather all the comfy, cozy things you can, find a wall and enjoy!