Self Massage Techniques for Pregnancy + Motherhood

There’s nothing quite like the relief you get lying on a massage table, soothing music playing in the background and someone gently….or not so gently massaging your butt! It just hurts so good doesn’t it?

As amazing as getting a good massage is, I have to say that learning self massage techniques has been one of the most therapeutic and empowering things I’ve learned when it comes to caring for my body during pregnancy and into motherhood.

Sore, tense and stiff muscles are sure to pop up while you’re body is busy creating and caring for little ones- so having the tools to tend to them before they become full blown, chronic issues is so helpful.

Anyone who’s enjoyed a nice, relaxing massage can attest that it’s not just physical relief we get from massage therapy. Now, stay with me- because I’ve got 3 perfect self massage techniques below that are going to help relieve tense, sore muscles BUT let’s also take a look at a few other benefits of self massage.


Using massage balls can increase your internal awareness, in scientific terms- proproception. Jill Miller, the creator of the Yoga Tune Up Method, defines Proprioception as “Proprioception is your body’s sense of itself; your inner GPS system. The ability to sense the position, location, orientation, and movement of your body and its parts.”

This inner awareness helps with efficiency of daily tasks, exercise and our movement in general and can be especially helpful as you prepare for birth. Having a deeper awareness of how your body moves and the areas of your body that you might be disconnected from such as your pelvis, pelvic floor and deep abdominal muscles. Check out the glute release below, to help bring more awareness to the area around your hips and pelvis.


We often live in a place on high alert, especially when dealing with little kiddos! We are over stimulated and in a state of Fight/Flight- hyper aware. When we spend a lot of time in this state, our bodily functions that are controlled by our Parasympathetic Nervous System such as digestion, blood pressure, hormone production and our relaxation response, to name a few, are impacted and may be compromised.

Massage is a great tool for stimulating our relaxation response, sending a message to your body and mind that it is safe to let go. This is incredibly helpful to relieve both physical and emotional stress and tension.


During pregnancy we need all the help we can get with circulation. Swelling in the ankles and feet are quite common because it’s much harder for our blood to recirculate back up from our feet. Using massage balls on the feet are perfect for mobilizing stiff muscles and joints and to boost circulation to relieve swelling.

a few of my favorite MASSAGE BALL TECHNIQUes

These are 3 of my favorite self massage techniques that are easy to implement into your daily life whenever your body needs a little attention. All you need is a tennis ball or some kind of specific massage ball (my favorite are the Yoga Tune Up balls) and a little bit of space at a wall. These are perfect for a little mid-day movement break or to do at the end of the day while you’re watching t.v.

Upper Back Release

Glute Release

Foot massage


You can find full length Self Massage Release Classes in the Prenatal Trimesters + Postpartum Core Collections. As well as many more classes that relieve pain, tension and stress.